In my opinion, TCG cards collecting and playing are not only a hobby, but an investment as well. And like any other investment, you would want to protect it. One problem I have noticed with alot of people are their lack to keep there cards in good shape. I know one guy whose cards are wore down so bad that the cards are no longer rectagular, but ovals! His cards are in such bad shape, they are only probobly worth half their value. I'm gonna give ya' some advice on keeping your cards in great shape. The number one rule is to NEVER carry your cards in your pants, shirt, or coat pocket without somekind of protection. Especially your pants pockets. They will ABSOLUTLEY ruin your cards. I've seen this happen many times to my friends. Shirt pockets won't do as much damage as a pants pocket will, yet they tend to fall out all the time. If you are wearing a loose flannel and your cards are in one of it's pockets, don't bend over. I've done this, too. They will spill out everywhere. As a matter of fact, hehehe, I was running a relay race at some kind of pep rally we had at school today, and, hehehehehe, while I was running and they started flying outta my shirt pocket like quail with a bird dog on 'em. I had the lead so I didn't stop to get 'em. Some how they didn't get ran over and I got 'em back(sorry to dissapoint ya'). I just want to warn you so it won't happen to ya' in the future. My advice to you would to carry your cards in a plastic case (available at most card shops), or get a box to carry them. They used to make(I don't know if anyone does anymore) plastic single card covers that you can put them in and use them to play at the same time. Take care of your cards now, and in the future the will bring you back mucho money! :) Catch ya' on the flipside everyone! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ J.Woods® <><><><><><><> ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at