I don't see what is so great about this game. I have been looking for cards everywhere and can't find them. This is kind of an annoyance because you also see people at these pushcarts in the mall selling the theme packs double what you can by them for in the store. In my opinion, I think that it is pretty dumb for those people to go and buy stores out and sell the cards for double what you can normally buy them for. I would judst like to know what any of us can do. Is there anything or is it just not to buy from that person. The only problem I have with not buying these cards from the people that sell them double what they are worth is what are we people who want PoKeMoN cards supposed to do. I think that these pushcart people who go and buy the cards and sell them at these riduculous prices should be stopped. All I am asking is, what are we supposed to do about it?? Scholls Scholls643@aol.com