(a lone microphone sits on a stage with a stool, SATOSHI walks up and crowd
begins to applaud)

SATOSHI: Thank you, thank you. Today, I'm gonna talk about the Big Bad
Three, that is Haymaker, Stall, and Raindance.

(everyone groans, some people get up and leave)

SATOSHI: Yeowch. Tough crowd. Perhaps I should explain. I'm gonna talk about
how to BEAT them.

(people calm down, everyone sits back down)

SATOSHI: Better. Now, let's start with how not to beat them. If you complain
and rant and rave, these decks will continue to grow, as people will see
that they beat quite a lot of people. But, if you-

(SATOSHI notices the entire audience is asleep, and decides to wake them up,

SATOSHI: HEYYY!!! That's better. Anyway, if you try to make decks to oppose
these 3 strategies, YOU will beat THEM. Let's start with Haymaker. This deck
tries to deal qucik damage, right? Right. So, if you have a lot of potions,
defenders, and powerhouses of your own, no problemo, right? Oh, and E.R.s
and S.E.R.s work too.
Now, Stall all depends how you play your deck. Refrain from using bills and
prof. oaks, and keep 6-7 cards in your hand to prevent imposter oaks, and
you should be fine.
Raindance, however, is tougher. I suggest E.R.s and S.E.R.s and plenty of
electabuzzes and other zappers. If you keep this in mind, you'll have no
problem devastating the Big Bad Three. Thank you.

(SATOSHI walks off stage and the audience wakes up AGAIN and leaves. A woman
mumbles, "I can't believe I paid MONEY to see that guy...")