I believe Tyler is very wrong and very right in certain areas of his report:
ponyta:he does suck very much!
jigglypuff:totally right
lickitung:great staler
I know Scott thinks as I think about this card...it rules!
it is a great attacker and if only its hp were higher I would be in almost every deck!
kangaskhan:kangaskhan is a bad attacker but it is definitely a better wall than lickitung and chansey combined!all because of fetch!
combined with bill and you can get 4 cards in one turn!
ditto rules if you play him right!clefable is better but both has disadvantage and advantages as well all having to do with the defending pokémon
poison 100% is very good,but low hp and much energy wont make this card too much of a fan favorite
just plain sucks!2 energy for a 10 damage attack which isn't even that good?
nidoking is one of the three best grass cards..it is not the best..
the 3 best grass are:
nidoking,venusaur and of course the almighty scyther.
between all 3 venusaur is definitely the best!
but nidoking is very,very good!
he can get killed easily by machop and hitmonchans(dang,hitmonchans!)
but I normally only see haymakers at tourneys!
I never see them at the pokémon league!I just see over powerful decks with blastoise and charizard at the pokemon league,
never bring the mime mister to a tourney,cause you know there will be about a 1000 haymakers with 4 hitmonchans at least!but at the 'league
mr.mime could win you the day!
please no hate mail either,
this is also my first report
-- puzzledogg