>From: Steven Diamond >Subject: Pokemon TCG article: "Parents! Play with your Kids!" >X-Sender: diamondz@pop.nmia.com (Unverified) >To: ThePojo@pojo.com >X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.2 (32) > >I sent this on the 15th but maybe it got lost, so I'm sending it again... > >I'd like to respond to/agree with "Mike" who >wrote "Kids and Pokemon" earlier this month. My wife & I (40-something's) >got into Pokemon TCG early this summer when our kids (son age 10, daughter >7) began coming home from camp with individual cards they got trading food >(crackers, treats!) with other kids. > >We'd never seen Pokemon before, since we've resisted buying Gameboy, >Nintendo, Sega, etc. My wife actually got me a basic starter deck for >Father's Day (!) so we could all learn the game--and we quickly bought >precon decks for all of us (remember the good old days, like June of this >year, when decks/boosters were "plentiful"?). We all played in the first >Albuquerque tourney last month (my wife making it to the finals!), and this >Sunday we're all playing in another tourney. So we're hooked! > >As far as playing with and encouraging kids, I'd like to add to Mike's >comments with the following: > >(1) Be generous! Give your kids cards, trade generously even with their >friends. I often help my kids' friends build decks, give them/trade them >commons & uncommons, etc. We've even had mini-tournies in our house--what >better way to keep an eye on the kids, get them "off the streets" so to >speak, and encourage friendly competitions? Be generous with your cards, >time and encouragement--after all, in 10 years are you really going to >=need= those extra Bills, Kadabras or Dragonairs? > >(2) Don't believe the "Age 10 and above" recommendation on the decks! My >7-y.o. daughter played for three hours in a tourney, mostly against older >=boys=, most of whom couldn't believe a "little girl" was beating them! >Pokemon TCG has encouraged/raised her reading and math level as well, and >her comprehension of "strategy" is gaining all the time. Who knows? Someday >she may be a "professional" Magic: TG or chess player!? In any case, >encourage the little ones to play too--they don't have to be limited to just >"collecting cute cards." > >(3) Try to get other parents involved--offer to "show them" how "easy" the >game is (don't use the word "teach"--sounds too condescending to some >folks!). So far we've been unable to get other parents in our neighborhood >involved, even though their kids talk about almost nothing else! It's such >a shame... > >(4) As Mike suggested, keep a copy of Scrye handy to help guide the kids in >trades--and try to stay out of the trades. Both my kids actually trade >sometimes just to "help out" their friends. It's okay if they trade away a >"powerful foil" for a couple uncommons they probably already have--they may >have gained a friend in the bargain. > >All for now, >Steve "Daddy-Oh" Diamond >(aka "diamondz") >diamondz@nmia.com ><><><><><><><><><><><><><> >Team DIAMONDZ of Albuquerque! >The Diamond Desert Pokemon Gym >Four Trainers--No Waiting! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><> >