This is my deck idea called Mega Control. The goal of this deck is to take absoulute control of your opponents pokemon. Here it is. Pokemon:17 2 Chansey 4 Mew 2 Aerodactyl 2 Abra 2 Kadabra 1 Alakazam 2 Mr. Mime 1 Doduo 1 Dodrio Trainers:22 4 Pokemon Flute 4 Gust of Wind 2 Pokemon Traders 3 Pokemon Center 3 Scoop Up 4 Fossil 2 Computer Searches Energy:21 19 Psychic 2 Double Colorless What You want to happen is to have a Chansey as your active pokemon and on your bench you want to have an Alakazam, A pumped Mew, a Chansey with no energy, an Aerodactyl and a Dodrio. When ever your opponent has an evolved pokemon out you want to retreat chansey (free cause of Dodrio) and call out mew and then use Aerodactyl's power with devolution beam. Then if mew gets damaged next turn swap to Chansey and when Chansey's full use pokemon center or scoop up. The flutes and gusts are for bringing out or keeping out weak pokemon and keeping the strong pokemon away. The Computer Searches and Pokemon Traders are for getting the cards you need. P.S. Please post this in the TGC Stratagies section PLEASE!!!!! If you have any Question's or comments My name is Steve and my Email address is >>>>>>>> ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at