I am writing to try and figure out what is up with this strategy board. I am going to sound like a hypocrite and ask that you post this article there as it seams to be where most people go for information. After I get off my soap-box I hope this becomes a strategy page again, and not an editorial page. How many times are we supposed to listen to all your opinions on why a certain card, rocks or stinks, without any proof. If it rocks tell us how you use it. If it stinks tell us how you beat it. Include some details. I wonder how many of you went to the deck garage stole somebodies deck and strategy, and are pumping your chest as you beat 8 year olds at the local tourny. Please don't take that statement as a slam against 8 year olds. I am a dad to an 8 year old and a 10 year old who both love and play the game. I am pretty new to the game but have played enough to know it is hard to beat a physic deck with jiggly/wiggly/chansey. The game truely wouldn't be much fun if that was the only deck I used against my kids. Take this challenge build a Kid-Beater deck, and use it against some of the lesser players, no matter of their age. My K-Bdeck consist of Pikachu, Machop, Charmander, Jiggly/Wiggly.(my only evolve) Yes even this deck usually beats my 8 year old, usually not my 10, but the games are close and fun, and I try to teach strategy as we go. You'll be amazed at some of the things you come up with when you are overmatched by the cards on the table. My other peave is the bad trade / card condition thing. I've told my kids if you want to build a deck, and you want to make a trade, then trade. Try and stay similar holo for holo, common for common but if you need a card make a trade. I recently traded a Blastoise and Charzard for 2 Alakazams, does that make me stupid, we'll maybe, but if you played my psychic-jello deck you might not think so. The key is build your decks, play the game, try new things. A beat up Charzard that my 8 year old used to kill my Jynx is now his lucky card. He takes it everywhere. He wouldn't trade it for a brand new one and that's OK. Unless you have a 1959 Micky Mantle use the cards. In twenty years there will be 1/2 million Charzards in plastic buy one then for decoration. At last, for those of you that only want to criticize other's decks and strategy, I hope you take advantage of the Deck Garage competition. Your chance to show what you know. What a great opportunity, I am looking forward to it. Now for strategy, I read allot about no strong psychic basics, I sure like Jynx. I try to start a game with a Jiggly/Chansy and a jynx on the bench. I'll take hits do minimum damage power up jynx then switch. That will usually get me rolling for a quick kill. Another thing I have done. Is start with a Jigglypuff, evolve a Gastly to Haunter on the bench. Lullaby if they flip tails,switch. Dream eat. It wins allot of first battles. Not great PokeMon, I agree but things I tried before I got all the cards I wanted. Try things with all cards play your friends use rules like no stage 2 evolves, no HP over 50, you'll be better at the next tourny with that haymaker. Keep playing keep writing, great site pojo! dean kdj71@hotmail.com ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com