pojo, pleeeeeeeeeeease post this in your TCG strategies section as i'm sure you guys all know, wizards of the coast has been bought by hasbro. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! this is terrible!!! but i dont think that it's terrible for the same reason most of you do. i think it's terrible, because hasbro will print out so many pokemon cards.... yes, that's actually a BAD thing!! anyone else notice how limits for packs on WoTC's website have all gone up to 1200 packs per day!?!? (base set used to be 400 and jungle used to be 800) CHIPUMUNK IS RIGHT!!! hasbro is in this too much for the money, and after they start printing out 900 billion cards per day, then the value of the cards is gonna drop HUGE!!! all of a sudden POOF! a charizard is just as common as a drive-by in downtown chicago. Also, i've noticed that now, the store i go to to buy my cards is suddenly getting tons of packs, which is gonna make this fad DIE bcuz the stuff gets to be too easy to find and way too easy to "catch 'em all"! be warned, hasbro= end of the pokemon TCG. end of pokemon TCG= :-(