Pojo Please post this. You haven't posted one of mine lately... I have three that weren't posted. Today I will be writing on the subject of Haymakers. And Help. For Haymakers. When your making a Haymaker just remember these tips on how to build a stirty Haymaker. 0=======Tip #1=======0 Use card drawing power. Have Bills and Oaks. Also use Item finder's and Computer Search's to get rid of that second Oak your not gonna use anyway. On the subject of Trainers, I noticed that alot of decks are on the form of Energy Denial now. I also noticed they use quite a bit of energy themselves. Bust out a can of Energy Removal and they won't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. 0=======Tip #2=======0 Don't have evolution cards. Most people are saying, "What the hell? I already knew that, this artricle sucks." Now a days people are adding in Jiggly's and Wiggly's. These people are wrong. They are weak to fighting. Hitmonchan is highly popular in my area, I don't know about yours. That fact is...Hitmonchan kills Jiggly in two turns. Wiggly in one(By the time you evolve). So don't use evolution cards. 0=======Tip #3=======0 Don't use Mewtwo's or Scyther. I know Swords Dance this Swords Dance that. you need three energy to use it. I like Scyther but not that much. People usually use double colorless energies, Remember? Energy Removal? Thats right. I used to be a big fan of Scyther but then I faced an Energy Removal deck. I lost a tournament because of Energy Removal. And Mewtwo, he was very popular when the fire deck was out. Its fire is burned out. Mewtwo's Physchic attack whooped Charizard but he's gone. 0=======Tip #4=======0 Have good energy ratio's. If you get a hand with a Hitmonchan and 1 Plus Power and 5 Lightning energies, your saying, damn I wish I listened to that guy on The PoJo. Run Ratio's like, for every Pokemon there are two of that colors energy.(Unless if not needed or Colorless). Thanks for reading my article whoever did. If it gets posted! If you agree or disagree please e-mail me at bk087@hotmail.com.. Pokémon ⇒¿¼½¾?⇐ Måster ⇒¿¼½¾?⇐ bk087 bk087@hotmail.com ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com