First of all, I love the Pojo, this site is great! But, I have been checking out (another site) ... (sorry) and I saw an article about the Gym series cards. And let me tell you something, pokemon will soon be turning into a Magic type TCG like everything else. It is already happining. Aerodactyl and Muk...the first pokes whose powers effect BOTH players. But that's not the worst part, because in the Gym's, Stadium cards are coming out. They are like trainers that stay in play until the game ends unless another Stadium card is played. Hmm, sounds a bit like an enchantment, huh? And then there are Gym leader trainers that effect only that gym leaders' pokemon. Some are a combination of both! Now were getting into new strategy's with Lass, and when to play which stadium trainer to counter their's, and when to play which trainers to help which Gym leaders' pokemon, and it's driving me crazy! I hope that the Gym series's don't come out for a loooong time, since I'll probably be selling my pokemon cards about that time. And you should see the new pokemon in the Gyms too! Koga's Arbok has a move to poison itself, then it's next move increases in power if Arbok is poisoned. And Snorlax puts itself to sleep after doing one move, then the opponent takes damage from hurting a Sleeping Snorlax. I believe that the Gym cards won't be used much in pokemon for a few reasons. 1. None of the pokemon in the Gyms can have a deck based on them like ones in the basic series(Blastoises rain dance, Alakazams damage swap, Venusaur and Charizards fire spin, etc...) 2. There will be so many new cards and combos and strategies that people will revert back to the basic sets for simplicity and fun. 3. The new rules and powers will confuse the majority of pokemon players (12 and under) and the cartoon like pictures will not amuse the only people old enough to understand the game. 4. There will be soooo many cards that even Judges and Expert players will have so many differences in the rulings that rules will conflict so there will have to be many different types of tournaments and banned cards (like in Magic) and it will all eventually go straight to hell. 5. So many people will begin to realize this and quit playing and since people will be afraid to start playing (too many rules to learn) Wotc will end up going bankrupt or something. (they deserve it) Well, I know this is a long letter, but this is my opinion and if you want to argue or agree, email me at My name is David, I'm very opinionated, and my fingers are bleeding. ~David ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at