Hey PoJo! Please put this on your site! It talks about my views on some things in the TCG. First is the Mewtwo Deck. Cheap Cheap Cheap win. Its a good deck, but a cheap win. It is not fun for your opponent to just sit there and draw cards! Dont play Mewtwo decks, or you are in for a boring game. Second is Ditto, the new version of Clefairy. It's transform power is one of the best! Not only do you get the attacks, but you get the HP, and any powers it has too! And it's 1 retreat cost is pretty good too. And third is I wanted to talk about Energy Removels. 1 energy off is not that good! He can just put another energy on and attack again. Super ERs are better though, since you take 2 off. But you discard 1 energy, so its like an ER to yourself, which is bad. And I wanted to talk about these kids who play Pokemon that have no idea what they are doing! Im 13 and I go to the local comic book store to play in the Wotc League, and I am surprised at how many little kids think they are a master! I saw this little kid strutting around the store yelling, "Who wants to help me earn a badge!? Who is ready to be defeated!?" so I challenged him. First, he started to complain when I put more then 2 basics out, 1 on the battlefield, and 1 on the bench. He started yelling, "Only one on one! No more then 2 can be out!" and he kept doing that until I got the store owner to come and tell him that you can have more then 2 out cause he didnt belive anyone else! Then, when I put out a Warp Point(Which is a card from Japan, its from GymLeader) he started screaming again, saying, "You haveta play American cards! You cant play that!" I tried to tell him what it did but he didnt listen. He started to have a hissy fit! It got to the point where he punched me and threw my deck all over the store! Thats when I got sick of it and stopped the game. My friends helped me pick up my deck, and the kid went to his mom. The mom came over and yelled at me for not playing by the a Jungle box for a Holo Mr. Mime! I hear these people say not to not rip little kids off in trades, but its the kid's own fault they dont know how to play! rules and making her son cry and get into a fit! Since then I never have played someone under 6. These kids need to read the books, and learn how to play right! And these kids need to know which cards are good and how to make good trades. I know someone who traded a Jungle box for a Holo Mr. Mime! These kids need to know which cards are the best and which are the worst! In my final statement, I read the article here about a little kid who traded an Alakazam for an Onix just because Onix's HP was higher. The person who wrote that letter said not to rip them off in trades, but tell the truth. If a 6 year-old came up to you and said he would trade Onix for an Alakazam, would you trade him? I know I sure would! Please post this so everyone knows my thoughts on the TCG. Email: Mega5010@yahoo.com Name: Greg R.