>From: "Morgul" >To: ThePoJo@thepojo.com >Subject: Pokemon TCG Strategies, Morgul, Outrageous Prices! > >I recently discovered how greedy people could be. I went to the brand-new >card store in our area, to check it out. > The rare and holo cards were in a glass cabinet near the register. > The prices of the single cards were outrageous!! They were selling >Chansey for $40.00!!! > Then, this kid walks in, sees Charizard for $80.00, and goes berserk! >There is only one Charizard left, he actually pays the whole $80.00! > I thought THAT was greedy, but the worst was yet to come. > As soon as the boy went out of the shop, the cashier stoops down, Lo! and >Behold! There is another Charizard for $80.00! I later talked with a friend >of mine, who said that they had about twenty cards of each hologram behind >the counter! > I left in disgust as another "victim" was duped into buying a Zapdos for >$60.00. > >E-Mail me if something like this has happened to you. >E-Mail me at nazgul@ignmail.com >