Ok Base Chary. 120 hp, 100 attack for 4 colorless (sortof). So shouldn't he
be a great card? Why are all of you ranting about oh yeah he sucks and this
guy can kill him in bla bla bla and this guy can kill him in bla bla bla. I
can come back and say this guy can kill your guy in bla bla bla and etc. What
is so bad about Chary? His evolutions are good. He uses colorless energy. And
he has 120 hp! I used to play him in a deck before i traded him away and he
worked out great! So why are all of you trainers ranting about the big
overgrown lizard? Is it because his first edition version is worth 250 +
dollars? or is it because you don't have one and can't get one in a pack? So
why won't you try him in a deck? I assure you, new found respect will surely
be found.