Hello, its me again, Pojo's one and only warrior king Aragorn, on the
topic of the big 3.
[Enter Rant Mode]
 First of all, the point system is POINTLESS! (No pun intended) It cannot,
will not, and does not work!  The Big 3 all have decks made around them and
all have TOTALLY different uses!
 Blastoise has the ever annoying but yet powerful raindance.
Venusaur has the Venusaur mono-grass decks, and the Venucenter.
Charizard (ugh..) has the whole charizard series of crap er...good decks.
AND they are all meant for other things, charizard is meant to be built on
the bench first,
Venusaur is meant to use its power for something like Exeggcutor, and
Blastoise is meant to sit on your bench while you attack with Gyarados or
[End Rant Mode]

This was Lord Aragorn signing off.
name Aragorn(or some form of it)