OK, I really had to think of a good reason to use a Pokeflute in a deck. I
could only think of two. All of this effort for two reasons that don't even
work that well.

Choose one Basic Pokemon Card from your opponents discard pile and put it on
his or her bench (You can't play Pokemon Flute if your opponents bench is

What to use it for
1- If you knocked out a Magikarp (or Abra, Bulbasaur, etc.), use the Poke
Flute to bring him back, then Gust of Wind the karp out and kill it. However,
don't try this if you don't have a Gust of Wind or your might have
resurrected the card needed for Gyarados, Blastoise, Venusaur, or some other
killer evolution
2- If your opponent has a lot of bad basics, you can eliminate his bench
space by filling it up with those bad basics. This is a very risky strategy,
since most bad basics to into good evolutions.

I personally like the first strategy better, though they both are pretty
useless, and I recommend never trying the in battle. Well, that's all I have
to say.

My word of the day is pencil, for no reason what so ever.

Send all hate mail and death threats to the President or FBI. They would
love to hear from you.

~King Cobra
Email: King_Cobra64@hotmail.com

PS The term "Send all hate mail and death threats to the President or FBI.
They would love to hear from you" is copyrighted by King Cobra, as of April,
9 2000.