Just getting off my chest a few bad comments from a teslawlo about how
ditto sucks. Ok first thing ditto is one of my favorite cards and i have
him in almost all my decks he goes toe to toe with wiggly, and is
quicker then buzz hitmo etc. I can quite say i am shocked on how people
say this guy sucks, not only do i think hes good i think hes great if
you have never used him or by the way you talked about him you couldnt
have used him right. Just to clarify things, first thing about
transforming into rattata or karp this means your karp or rattata
against karp or rattata get it your both the same so theres no big
disadvantage (if a deck is made of rattatas and karps i don't think i
need ditto anyway) for the 50hp thing ok if he gets confused paralized
asleep hes done but when mime is asleep or confused hes pretty much dead
meat hmm and people use him, and heres a tip if ditto has 50+ damage on
him don't retreat unless its better like can kill him for the win right
away or something.  Only an idiot would retreat ditto like you said
against blastoise if you have only 3 energy on him you can attack and if
not just let him get kod next round. Oh and by the way if you ever learn
to read the card you learn he copies weakness so not only is he NOT weak
to hitmochan but he is quicker. Please people atleast use cards before
you say they suck you mgiht actually like them. Oh and Mr. Teslawlo I
would love to see you on gooey and challenge you to a game to prove that
ditto rules.


i don't read hate mail and if any comments find me on gooey