Dear Pojo,
I'm going to tell you about 2 version of the same card, it will be the battle
of the century, who will win?Is it Jungle Electrode or is it Base set
Electrode, let's look at the 2 Electrodes
Base set1
Pokemon Power:Buzzap Anytime during your turn you make knock out Electrode,
he is now an energy card that provides 2 energy of that type(This doesn't
count as a basic energy card) This power can't be used while Electrode is
asleep, confused or paralyzed.
(LLL)Electric Shock:50, Flip a coin, if tails Electrode does 10 damage to
Fighting Weakness, no resistance retreat cost:1
Now let's peek at the Jungle type Electrode...
(LLL)Chain Lightning:20, as long as the defening Pokemon isn't colorless this
attack does  10 damage to each one of your opponent's benched Pokemon of that
same type(including your OWN)
Weakness:fighting  Resistance:None Retrat cost:1
No difference with retreat cost, resistance, and weakness but attacks are
weak with the jungle type. Chain Lightning costs 3 enegy, the same as
Electric Shoch, which does 50 damage, plus Base set series Electrode has
Pokemon Power Buzzap, which is a great Power to power up your benched
Pokemon, although it gives your opponent a prize since it knocks out
Electrode. Now for the moment you've waited for... Electrode(Jungle) versus
Electrode(base set). The battle will start at the ring of the bell DING! Base
set Electrode attaches 1 electric enegy, Jungle Electrode attaches one, Next
turn base set Electrode goes again, attaches 1 electric enegy, then so does
jungle, Bang! Chain Lightning damages Electrode(base set), but Electrode's
trainer is smart and he plays a potion reving Electrode, then
BUZZZZZ!Electric Shock, 50 damage on jungle Electrode, jungle Electrode
attaches double colorless enegy to do tackle, 20 damage, but porion wipes off
the damage and buzz, Electric Shock K.O's Electrode(jungle), as long as you
use potion against the jungle Electrode, he won't do a tiny bit of damage
because potion totaly wipes the 20 damage off, with Base Set Electrode you
won't wipe out the 50 damage he deals even with a super potion, so now you
understand why jungle Electrode sucks so my purpose for this article(to make
you all aware of this) has been fulfilled.
Thank You for reading my article, by Bobby Gaines
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