I don't know why people say that the trainer sleep is useless. I looked
at it again and again but even though I don't use it in my deck, it is
pretty useful.

1) You can combo haunter's dream eater with this.
2) You can easily kill a ditto.
3) It can prevent many pokemon powers, Strikes back, final beam etc. if
your opponent's active pokemon has a pkmn power.
The best reason to use this deck is reason number 1, although you only
have a 50% chance, you can still hypnosis if you flipped a tails.
It isn't so bad at all, but I think not so many people will use it in
their decks. Eve though I use a psy-colorless deck, I don't think I can
make space for this card.
Rating 1-10: 7.5
