Please post this under single cards, if you post it.

First this is what the promo Arcanine says, if you already
know what it says go down to the strategy part of this single card

Arcanine  70hp


quick attack 10+
flip a coin, if heads this
attack does 10 damage plus
20 more, if tails this attack
does 10 damage.
Flames of rage 40+
discard all energy card attached to
Arcanine in order to use this attack.
this attack does 40 damage plus 10 more
for each damage counter on Arcanine.

> weakness: water
> resistance: none
> retreat cost: 1
> Strategy: if your opponent has a 100 hit point pok'emon out ( like Blastoise)
> and you have promo Arcanine out with 60 damage on it
> simply flare them for 100 damage and the K-O (knock out)
> Combos:
> Promo Arcanine + base set ( base set 2) Alakazam's damage swap
> pok'emon power swapping 60 damage to Arcanine = 100 damage
send comments, questions, and suggestions to

No hate mail please
- Lee