Hhhmmm... I've seen some people write some corny things like when they take the card and manipulate it in thin air and say how good it is...why don't I do one of them too?  Here Goes!
*Tyler C. "The Grass King" walks into the room with a binder full of cards and a Green Pokéball*
TYLER C:  Greetings.  I am here to talk about a very underrated card, Lass.  In fact, too underrated.
*holds up lass card*
TYLER C:Vileplume, will you explain to everyone why this card is so powerful?
*uses psychic powers to throw Vileplume's Pokéball and release it, then steps back*
VILEPLUME: *emerges from pokeball*
Hello.  According to my good trainer, Tyler C., I am here to talk about the lass card.  Shall we begin?
*fills the room with poison powder, and when it clears, a table with cards on them appears*
    Let's Experiment.  This deck of mine, a Vileplume deck(that's me!), is fighting a raindance deck.  The raindance deck goes first.  Raindance begins with Squirtle active and articuno benched.  I begin with scyther active and oddish benched.  He uses bubble and it's heads.  It seems that i can't do anything, but then I lass!  Goodbye breeder!  Goodbye CPU search!  Sorry, no 2nd turn blastoise today!
*sleep pewder fills the room and a different when it clears, all water cards are replaced with psychic cards*
VILEPLUME:  Now we'll see how good lass is against stall!
You have only 5 cards left in your deck, and the enemy stall deck has 7.  You have a lass in your hand.  Lass away all of your trainers in your hand and you'll avoid decking out!  But your opp. gets to do the same, so be careful!
    I don't really have to demonstrate Lass's power against Haymaker, lass rips them apart in general.  Haymakers use 23-26 trainers(or even more) and Lass can keep them all away.
*stun spore fills the room and the cards and table disappear*
VILEPLUME:  That's all for now.
TYLER C:  Thanks Vileplume.
*returns vileplume to its Pokéball*
Vileplume made its point well.  Lass is no ordinary danish girl.  She has lots of power indeed.
*walks off and vanishes in the distance*
Tyler C at tymy1223@directweb.com and tymy1223@aol.com
Website at www.geocities.com/grassking86
PS Yes, I'm aware that was really corny but I did it for fun =)