Arbok is a very misunderstood Pokemon. No, I am not saying he is a great
Pokemon but his Poison Fang is a nice move if you know when to use it. Let's
take a look at Arbok.
HP-60 (that's bad)
Type: Grass (that's good, as he isn't weak to fire)
Terror Strike (this is pathetic, don't use it)
Poison Fang (this is the best reason to use him, 20 damage instant poison. He
may not be Nidoking but Arbok is much easier to get)
Weakness: Psychic (Arbok works well with the Psychic resistant
Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff family)
Resistance: None (too bad)
Retreat Cost: 2 colorless (bad unless you have a Dodrio. Still bad though.)
Evolves from Ekans: Ekans is an OK starter Pokemon. He has 40 HP but Wrap is
a good move.

    Arbok is not going to be the king of poison but still, give his Poison
Fang a go. He is not weak to Fire so the Fire/Water deck will be vulnerable.

~King Cobra