Hey pojo. J.Antonucci here.And do you know one thing I am so sick of? I am
sick of hearing every body dis venomoth chain. First lets start with Venonat.
Venonat is a great starting pokemon. Think about it 40 HP isn't bad, could be
better. For one grass energy venonat can do 10 damage plus paralyze. And for
2 energy you can do 10 damage plus remove 10 from venonat. at the beggining
of the game removing ten is huge (unless your playing haymaker). Now onto one
of the best pokemon in the game VENOMOTH!!!!!! 70 hp is great for a first
evolution. And a free retreat is awesome. Plus shift is almost never useful
but up against a psy deck do double the damage. Plus you can confuse and
poison in one turn. That leaves a charizard who strives on double colorless
no more energy burn. Blastoise can't use raindance. no swap deck. no energy
tras. resistance to fighting by 30 helps on hitmonchans and if the defending
pokemon if confused and tries to retreat and gets tails it's discarding
energy for nothing. POJO I am disappointed in you to give moth a 3.5. He is
great and i hope more people will use him. I use four and I beat raindance
decks all the time.
Put it on your site,