Scoop Up
    Hi Pojo, I'm Nikachu. I believe that Scoop Up is one of the best cards in the game, or at least in my deck. I have a Haymaker deck. I thought that Scoop Up was good for a staling deck but it is much better for a Haymaker. Usually the only damaged pokemon I have is my defender. I hate wasting a turn Super Energy Removaling a pokemon by wasting an energy on my pokemon. So I remove all the energy off my defending pokemon with Super Energy Removals before I Scoop it Up. I like using this strategy because I win twice as fast without my opponent getting any prizes (the most prizes any opponents have ever got were two).I'm glad I found a good use for Scoop Up because whenever I bought a pack of cards and got it I always got so angry! "What a stupid card!" But now I treat it as a god. Well that is what I think is great about Scoop Up, thanks for reading this!