Whether Man: Oh my... He isn't using the point system! He... isn't... using... it... Mewtwo! Eaamudo! Albert Einstein! We found one! We found one! (Note: Albert Einstein is my pet chimpanzee. I find him handy because it's fun to say that chimps are better at playing pokemon than some humans.)
Mewtwo: Whoa. This guy used a decent method of comparing two cards that are worth comparing, are the same type, stage, and are used pretty much the same way! WE DID..... Wait. Isn't Kadabra a stage 1?
(Everyone in the room groans.)
Whether Man: We got our hopes up for nothing. This article was actually good. If only he did Mewtwo vs Jynx or something we would have done it. That's the only major flaw I can see. Well, Kadabra is mde to evolve into 'Zam, not attack. But otherwise that's the only flaw.
Eaamudo: I'm sure we'll find a flawless article some day, not that this article isn't flawless compared to some. 
Whether Man: I'd actually want to congradulate this guy if I wasn't going to respond to other articles.
                                        The Whether Man
                               E-mail me at saxton3@attglobal.net
Moral of this story: Don't compare a stage 1 to a basic.