I don't think Charizard is that bad.  Don't get me wrong, I dont think he is
great, but he really isn't that bad.  Everyone says how bad he suck, well
sure he does in a tourney deck(usually, anyway), but don't any of you like
to just play for fun sometimes?  You can always build a deck foccusing on
his Fire Spin, and it may not be a "good" deck, but it is fun if you can
pull it off. But if you want to play a game, with Charizard, and want to
win, don't base you'r deck around Fire Spin.  Instead, use him as a finisher
or a ER/SER magnet.  Use fast aggressive Pokèmon in the early game, and
build up a Charizard on the bench.  That will surely attract ER/SER his way
but then they arn't foccussing on the real threat, which is your active
Pokèmon.  If they are wasting ER/SER on a benched Pokèmon and you are using
yours on there active then you may have an advantage.  Anyway, soon they
have to run out of ER/SER, and when you have 2-3 prizes left bring up
Charizard.  If you use him right he can get you your last 2-3 Prizes.  Say
he has four energy on him, so you Fire Spin, discarding to energy cards. 
Then next turn you put a DBC on him and Fire Spin discarding the two non-DBC
energy cards.  Next turn slap another DBC on him a Fire Spin again.  He will
usually always KO something in one hit.  So, in conclusion, Charizard is not
a Pokèmon I would put in a tournament deck.  But if you want to have some
fun, try him out.  Since everyone thinks he sucks, it will be humilating for
them if they get beaten by him(especially around alot of people =)(. 
Hmmm... I know I will get hatemail about this... so send it to

Anthony Salas. Aka,


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