Hello!  here are my top 10 rocket pokemon.
10 Dark Arbok-  not too bad i must say!  Stare is okay, but poison vapor is great.  hits the bench AND poisons!  Woah!  but energy requirement and 60HP suck royal $%#@!%.

9 Dark Slowbro-fickle attack is okay.  The power RULES!  Get back three evolutions...you can comp search and discard two pokemon, get an oak and oak away another one and then evolve to slowbro and get them back!  KOOL!  60HP blows though, like all TR cards.

8 Dark Gyarados-not too bad!  with the new magikarp i think gyarados has found his way back into raindance.  Final beam is a decent pokemon power, ice beam is a decent attack, 70 HP is decent for this set, all adds up to a decent pokemon!

7 Dark Golduck-Many are calling this broken!  Discard one to draw three is GREAT!  Super psy is just like kadabras only it gets by resistance!  One major problem.  EELLEECCTTAABBUUZZ!  Yeawch.

6 Dark Dragonair-Goes PERFECT in a Dark Vileplume deck!  You can search, they cant!  HA-HA.  Goes great in a deck with evolutions.  Attack isn't bad.  60 HP blows though.
5 Dark Alakazam-Sure it may look sucks on the outside (60 HP for a stage 2?!) but it really isn't bad!  You can teleport blast and switch out for a fossil haunter and later retreat and you have one of the best combos in the game!  It also is great w/ mister mime.  Mind Shock is good against chansies and such.

4 Dark Charizard- Who'd think anythink with the name "Charizard" in it would make it this far?  the new charmander is great, move an energy to it, attatch one, evolve with a breeder next turn and attatch an energy, and attack, FIFTY for each heads!  but i will sure be sick of seeing this card in every 7-year old's deck (my little brothers favorite pokemon is charmander and he is getting four of this charizard PRONTO :p)

3 Dark Blastoise-You may think i am nuts, but this card goes perfectly in a Raindance aka hyper blastoise deck.  70 for 4?  DIE HAYMAKER DIE!  Great huh?  Rocket tackle is not very good, but you shouldn't use it too often.

2 Dark Vileplume-no trainers allowed?  Woah.  my deck on apprentice has 14 trainers in it and it has 4 of this vileplume and dark dragonairs to get them out.  It did great!  however there will be many situations where you can't get the 'plume out, and you will need LOTS of energy because you can't oak!  Still good though.  Petal swirl sucks but you should keep it on the bench (it cant be gusted!!)
1 Dark Muk-You may think I am REALLY nuts.  Well think about it--This guy can kill haymaker pokemon in 2 hits and they can't retreat to save themselves!  and he only requires 2 energy!  wow!  i'd stay away from the new grimer though.
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