Hello, there!  It is me and Rapidash again!
Rapidash: Hello!
Once again, I was reading an article on the Dark Charizard and its NAIL FLICK.  The writer commented on how this is a good attack when you are against Mr.Mimes.
Rapidash:Right. I mean, even I could get killed by a Mr.Mime, with some unlucky tail flips.
NAIL FLICK does 10 damage for 1 colorless energy.  With 80 HP, It's not to promising.  But, If you look at its 2nd attack, you could have to discard all of your fire energy...
Rapidash:Hold on Erin.  The 2nd attack is CONTINUOUS FIREBALL-2 Fire energy(atleast).  Flip a number of coins equal to the number of fire energies attatched to Dark Charizard.  This attack does 50 times the damage of heads.  Discard a number of Fire energy cards equal to the number of heads.
Thank's for reminding me, Rapidash.  Now, as I was saying, you could have to discard all of your energy cards.  NAIL FLICK does not leave Charizard entirely defenseless from CONTINUOS FIREBALL.  It also lets you grind down those Mr.Mimes.  It used to be, Charizard+Mr.Mime=Bye-Bye Charizard!  Not anymore.  However, the low HP is a major drawback...
Rapidash:Well, I don't have incredible HP, but I can still win battles.
Good Point there.  Dark Charizard may not be your choice, but it is still a good card.  Thanks for reading!
-Erin and Rapidash