Yo, Pojo! I want your awesome website's loyal followers to have an awesome
strategy on Dark Blastoise.

What you do is (after evolving)Get Hydro Cannon to lay out some good damage,
the n, when you have the energy, attach  defender and Rocket Tackle.This way
you evade the reoil, do 40 damage, and a possible Agility or prevention of
all effects of attacks,such as damage.

Now, I'd like to compare each of his attacks:

Hydrro Cannon: this is a lot better than Blastoise's Hydro Pump since you can
attack a turn earlier and at the end do more damage.+he does 20 extra for
each extra W energy.

Rocket Tackle:20 more damage plus 10 to yourself sure beats Raichu's Agility
since you can attach defender to Dark Blastoise(above).

Overall, I'd put Blastoise in a deck with Defenders and Potions.He's a solid
card worthy of any water deck including Raindance.

BTJ's job is now done,signing off.E-mail me at Poliact7@AOL.com.