Hey, Pojo, can you please post this Pokemon article?
    I discovered a DEADLY combo regarding Japanese Pokemon Cards, called
Pokemon Neo. The translationss are at the bottom of the article.
    You bring out Lugia on your bench. You use Super Energy Retreival to get
a Lightning, Fire, Water, and a duplicate of one of those out of your discard
pile. Then, after that, spend at least three turns powering up Lugia's
attack. Then, when you bring Lugia out, he would definately be powered up.
BOOM!!! Use his attack that does 90 damage, but discard a Lightning, Water,
or Fire energy. Then, next turn, use the extra energy in your hand to do the
attack again! What power! Bye-bye, Charizard and Chansey!
Super Energy Retrieval
Type: Trainer
Effect: Trade 2 of the other cards in your hand for up to 4
  Basic Energy cards in your discard pile.
No number (Rare)
PICTURE: A large vortex
NOTE: This is the same card that appears in the "Best Collection
CD" and "Vending Machine Cards".

Type: Basic Colorless Pokemon
LV.45, HP 90
RWL:  Elemental Blast:  90
  Effect:  Discard 1 R, W and L Energy card attached to this
    Pokemon in order this attack.
-CC Retreat
P Weakness
F Resistance (Damage -30)
No. 249 (Rare Hologram)

Note: Thanks to Pojo for these translations!
