Ryanace:Hello, again. Today, I would like to review Koga's Grimer and Koga's Muk. Koga's Grimer is used for evolving, and Muk for his abilities. This card, along with Dark Muk, can work great in the "No-Retreat" deck. First, I'll give the translations and then I'll explain why.
Koga's Grimer    50hp    Weakness-Psychic     Retreat-1
PC-Throw  Sludge-20
Not bad. Since there's really not much to say about him, let's go on to our next card.
Koga's Muk    80hp    Weakness-Psychic    Retreat-3
[Pokemon Power] Drip Power Liquid
When this card takes damage, even if it is KO'd, flip a coin. If heads, choose one energy card on your opponent's active pokemon and discard it. If Koga's Muk is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed, this power will not work.
PPC-Swirl of Sludge-40
Highest hp of all Muks is very nice, but also has the highest retreat cost. His attack is good, and his pokemon power is an Energy Removal with a lucky coin flip and an attacking pokemon. Now, here's the strategy:
Have out Koga's Muk. After a few turns, you should've flipped at least one heads. Then, switch with Dark Muk (his retreat cost is too high to really retreat), and use his power and attack. You're opponent has now lost energy, which usually means going back a couple of turns, and then when they want to retreat, they have to add even more energy!
Ryanace                    Ryan11elite@Hotmail.com