Ryanace:Hello, everyone. This is Ryanace as you can tell, and I'm  here to discuss an important gym for a new archetype. This gym is TEAM ROCKET'S SPECIAL TRAINING GYM!
Team Rocket's Special Training Gym        Stadium Card
Each active pokemon must discard an extra energy card to retreat. (When used this card must be placed next to the field of battle. When another stadium card enters play, this card must be discarded.)
If  you can read, you obviously know what archetype I'm talking about. Yes, yes, the "Dark Muk/Dark Dugtrio" deck. Once you have Dark Muk out, you won't want to retreat anyways, and this also adds another energy card to your opponent's retreat. That's 3 for Scyther, 5 for Hitmonchan and Electabuzz, 6 for Blastoise, and you get the idea.
                P.S.-Will everyone please forgive me about the Dark Golduck article? I believed you didn't apply resistance, but my friend kept yelling at me that you did.
    Ryanace            Ryan11elite@Hotmail.com