Scyther better than Charmeleon? Hello? This information is really quite new
to me. The last time I checked, Scyther was ABOUT THE BEST POKEMON IN THE
GAME(second only to Electabuzz). So, let's take a look at both cards here. We
have Scyther, a basic with 70 HP, a zero retreat cost, Fighting resistance,
and a fire weakness. He's got an really good colorless attack, which means
any deck can( and should ) use him. Then we have Mr. Charmeleon a Stage
1(Important plot point) with 80 HP, a water weakness(cough..raindance) no
resistance, and a retreat cost. His best attack requires two fire energy and
a discard. To be short CHARMELEON SUCKS! SCYTHER RULES. Scyther would whoop
that stinkin' little charmander before it ever got to evolve. And once again,
you do not compare basics to evolutions. Its like saying blastoise is better
than dratini. i dont know if this guy has been hitting the bottle or what,
but how many tourney winning decks have featured Charmeleon? (Long silence)
that's what i thought. Now let's count the tourney winning decks with
Scyther. Gee, this could take all night. Anyone who says Scyther sucks is
obviously the kind of person who focuses a deck around magikarp, abra, and
dratini.   I know a lot of people agree with me. Voice your opinion and tell
Dragonfire5 how stupid his little opinion was. Thank you

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