This is a review of the 3 Legendary Bird Promos.  Each involves a coin flip.  An all have 1 energy retreat cost!

Articuno - This may be the new "Mr. Mime killer" for RainDance Decks.  Now you can attack Mr. Mime and have a 50% chance for paralyzing as well as doing 10 to each of the bench.  I see 2 of this guy and 2 Fossil Articuno's in a RainDance Deck.  This is the best of the 3 Bird Promos. 

Zapdos - This guys a little too suicidal.  He has a 50% chance of doing 30 more damage to a benched opponent or 30 to itself.  With 70 HP its a little dangerous.  But with a Defender its not that bad.

Motres - In my opinion the worst of the three.  He really has no upside to him.  You have a 50% change of discarding 1 FIRE energy of 3 FIRE energies.  And there's no such think as being good at coin flipping!