This is my review of the card Pinsir.

HP: 60

2G Irongrip   20   Flip a coin if heads the defending Pokemon is Paralyzed
2G2C Guillotine   50

Retreat: One Colorless
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: None

Personally I think that this is a great card and heres why:

Pinsir + 2 Grass Energy = 20 and a possible paralyze
Pinsir + 2 Grass + 1 Double colorless = 50 damage
Irongrip + Guillotine = 1 dead Hitmonchan-Electabuzz-Magmar or about any
other haymaker pokemon you can name.
Pinsir + 2 Irongrips = 1 dead Mr. Mime

After seeing this i find that Pinsir is a much better haymaker pokemon than
the others and Pinsirs + Scythers makes a great grass deck if you add some
Jiggly/Wiggly or anything else.

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