Hmmm...Atlus doesn't see a downside to the big lizard, huh? Here's why.

In his article, he assumed three things:
1-his opponent wouldn't attack
2-he auctually got CHARMANDER, CHARIZARD, BREEDER, AND TWO DCE in one hand
and two draws.
3-he would win the coin flip
Atlus, my friend, here's how the battle would go with many of the decks out

1-VS. Raindance
turn one- you lay down charmander and DCE
opponent lays lapras as active and squirtle on bench
turn two- you lay down second DCE, evolve to charizard, and blast away
opponent plays squirtle, breeders to blastosie, raindances five
energy(oaking if necessary) and blows the big lizard away.

2-VS. Haymaker
turn one- same as above
opponent lays hitmonchan as active, scyther on bench, and plays DCE on
scyther. E.R.s the DCE
turn two- You lay DCE on charmander, evolve, and can do nothing.
opponent E.R.s again, plays energy on scyther
turn three- you play energy
opponent plays energy on hitmonchan
turn four- you play second energy
opponent plays S.E.R., uses switch, and slashes with pluspower for 40.
(can you see where this battle is going?)
3-VS. Energy Denial
No Duh.
4-VS. Stall
turn one- same as above
opponent plays chansey active, two on bench, and abra.
turn two- breeder, DCE, fire spin
opponent uses breeder for alakazam, and pokecenter.

Of course, just like in Atlus's article, I'm assuming the opponent would
get all the cards he or she needed. Don't make stupid assumptions when it
comes to cards.
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