Hi Pojo,
    How are all you guys? There is one thing I would like to point out to card comparison's. It is dumb! I mean all you guys/gals out there sending in e-mails about Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise and all of the others is an (no offense to the Pojo here) idiotic idea! All pokémon work well in a specific deck! So what if Squirtle and Bulbasaur can't go into a Colorless deck like Charmander can!That doesn't make Charmander better!Bulbasaur and Squirtle do just fine in decks that revolve around their evolved forms or them(though i don't know why someone would ever make their decks revolve around those basics). What I am trying to say here is that no pokémon is better than another one! It all depends on what deck you play, your strategy, what you do on your turn, not having enough energy and etc.,etc.,etc.I just say stop saying ones better than the other one!
Hatemail,Comments and anything else you want to send me my e-mail is marril75@hotmail.com
P.S.- Comparing HP,PP(Poké Powers),Attacks and other things is just stupid.The other pokémon could probably beat the **better** one if the other one and energy shortage or anything! 
                                                Thanks Pojo! Please post this!