((You see 2 people (?) in lab coats, and a Jigglypuff in a coat too)

Prof. Orchid: Hi, I'm here with my bro, Prof. Oak to tell you about Promo #11
Jigglypuff: Jiggly? Puff?
Prof Oak. Yes, draw it please.
((Puff draws a big question mark on Prof. Oaks Coat))
Oak: Aww..No! I'll go change...
((Oak walks out))
Orchid: Umm, well. Lets see the possibilitys of Promo #11, Puff?
Puff: Jig? Puff. Puff huff!
Orchid: Jigglypuff says that since "Cool" Porygon from the CD has come out,
and The Mewtwo and the Arcanine also, Puff here thinks that it could be..Puff?
((Puff is drawing))
((Puff draws...a blank.))
Orchid: Well, uh, ok... Now, let's RELLY see what it could be.
((walks to a computer))
((Enters: CDR4ME))
Orchid: This computer looks into the future, and it says....it says...ah.
Either: "Bubbles" Mew, "Fat" Snorlax or....
((picture of a person comes onto the screen))
Orchid: Ah, Professer Ivy, what do you say?
Ivy (with static): I don't have much time, I've stolen a card here in Wizards
of the Coast, I'm in the building right now the card will b...
Other man in video: Hey, there she is!
Ivy: Gotta run! I have the card, i'll e-mail it..
((camera crashes))
Orchid: Well, you heard the Prof, lets go get it...
Puff: Puff!
Together: Puff! (See ya!)
((while they are walking, a card flies onto the ground and something's coming
out of it...))
If you want to comment on my writing (no hate mail, it will be deleted!) send
e-mail to MJack42859@aol.com