hi pojo-peoples!
Mr.Oizo here to talk to ya'll 'bout the pre-evoloution of our haymaker
friend electabuzz!
while i was looking through edo's neo translations,i looked to see what all
this "he roxs"stuff.Heres a rough translation of him:

Ereekiddo(did i spell that right?
30 hp
standard baby rule
pokemon power:Naughty Punch  Flip a coin,if heads this attack does 20 damage
to your opponents active pokemon and your turn is over,if tails this attack
does nothing and your turn is over.

Pros:If your active has a status effect on it,use it.has baby rule to cover
the low hp.Can evolve into electabuzz.no weakness,retreat or resistance.

Cons:get tails you turns over!!low hp,baby rule MAY fail,so hes an easy
target for scythers,nidoran(m),and other pokemon that can do 30 or more

Lets face it,hes good only 50% of the time,muk totally shuts his @$$
up.people thought he could flip a coin if heads do 20 damage to
active...media factory(creators of the pokemon TCG)would never,and i
repeat...NEVER make a card that good!we all know thats true!

well thats been alot 'o' typin'!

wait till neo comes out in english to see what it really does!

Mr. Oizo!!

agree?disagree?e-mail me at  dragonite_lover@hotmail.com.

Oizo signin' out!
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