Dear Pojo, I've read many articles saying that "this pokémon can beat a Charizard easily and so and so." So what if it can defeat a Charizard in a turn or two?! That doesn't make it a better card to play. The chances of that pokémon facing a Charizard are really not that big. Saying "it is good against a Charizard" as your only proof only makes it go into the category of "How to Kill a Charizard." There are other important things than a Charizard that might attack you, like if your deck can work against a verity of pokémon types or if you have the right amount of energy or something... I'm not saying we should feel sorry for Charizard and we should all use it again...I'm saying that Charizard needs a break from all this commotion about him. One last thing...Charizard has a RESISTANCE against Fighting. Lots of people are forgeting that. Thanx, Don