Bill, Something I was just thinking about... if there aren't any similar articles... you guys can post this ;) Ron ------------------------------------- Tired of losing to 'stall' or 'damage swap' decks that run you out of cards? Wary of too many Professor Oak, Computer Search or Bill cards? Do you always seem to have that Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokemon in your hand that's useless because you don't have his Basic counterpart on your bench? And you're nervous about discarding it just yet? Here's a trainer that's been fairly ignored (at least by me) until now... Maintenance The card text for Maintenance is: Shuffle 2 of the other cards from your hand into your deck in order to draw a card. True, it's only half as effective as a Bill, it doesn't let you search like Computer Search, and it's no Oak. But! The great part of this card is the 'Shuffle 2 of the other cards from your hand INTO your deck'. You don't LOSE any cards, you simply take 2 cards that won't benefit you at the moment and put them back in the deck for a more opportune time. It's not a guaranteed help but it can come through in a bind. Think about it. Oh, and by the way... if you try enhancing this card with a Pokedex (Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and rearrange them any way you like)... don't. Using the Pokedex to sort your top 5 cards will be wasted when you shuffle the 2 cards from your hand into your deck, before drawing the top card.