> >To: ThePoJo@thepojo.com >Subject: RoboDX * Zapdos overated? * > >O.K. im looking throught my cards and I come across my zapdos. Now I >look at some of the articles and I come across a few that say that >zapdos is overrated. So i look at him and i see that......... > >Zapdos it a basic pokemon. it has 2 moves thunder and thunderbolt. >thunder dose 60 damage and it has has a 50% chance of doing 30 damage to >itself. thunderbolt dose 100 damage and discard all electric energies. >it has a retreat cost of 3 which sucks, has a resistance to fighting and >finally has so weakness. > >So is zapdos overrated? i don't think so. it can beat many pokemon and >if the pokemon has more that 100 hp u can use thunder 2. >