Attack of the Killer Eggs Now we all know about the beloved Scyther, my personal favorite Pokémon. But there's a new Pokémon and it's evolution that are nearing the top on my list of grass favorites. These are Exeggcute and Exeggutor. Properly placed in a deck, these two Pokémon can turn the tides of a match. My favorite way to use them is to beat up the opponent with a starting Scyther while I build up an Exeggutor and prepare for a Big Eggsplosion. Both Exeggcute and Exeggcutor have their high points. Exeggcute is good to start out with against any small basic Pokémon that your opponent might have. For two grass energy, Exeggcute will be dealing out 20 while removing 10 from itself. This sounds like a great trade to me. It's also good with some psychic energy, as it has Hypnosis. Another high point is the 50 HP it has. That's more than your average basic Pokémon you will see, such as Squirtle, Abra, or Magikarp. All of this with a low retreat of 1. This Pokémon is good even without Exeggutor. Now, you decide to throw in the Exeggutor. Big Eggsplosion is a great abilty. It's like a limitless Kangaskhan, but only requires 1 colorless to start it up. The retreat may be high, but with 80 HP and a huge attack, Exeggutor can stay out for a long time. I think these 2 Pokémon were a little overlooked at the start of Jungle, but if you actually sit down and play with them you'll give the both of them the respect they deserve. So, next time you buy a Jungle booster, don't plow through the commons and uncommons to get to the rare. You may be missing out on some of the best Pokémon in the game. Dan Guith The Pokémon Deck Archive