Okay, here is a good way to use energy retrieval without losing a card. Let us say that you don't really have any cards to spare to discard. Step 1: Discard any type of energy with the trainer. (((Read this slowly and several times to understand. It might be best if you take the deck and try it yourself it will help you get the idea.))) Step 2: Now pick up the energy you just discarded to get it back. Thats one energy retrieved. Step 3: Last, pick up another energy card along with the one you discarded. That's two energy retrieved. There, you did it! Confused on what you did? You used the energy from your hand to use the Energy Retrieval. Since you can draw 2 energy from the discard pile, you can pick up the one you discarded to use the trainer card so you get that back. Then you pick up one other energy card to gain one extra without sacrifising an energy! Neat huh!? Thanks for listening. Sorry Pojo for the long title. Maybe you can simplify it for me. Danny DScruggs64@aol.com