A terrible mistake took place some time ago. I said Farfetch'd was not that good he is super good! I really under estimated him. I try Farfetch'd for a game who I only tried a few times before just to stall! I was stupid. Today (6\10\99) I saw the srticle g posted. Thanks a lot! Of course you know you also convinced me to T.G but he responded I tried Farfetch'd for one game. First turn of the game I pull out Farfetch'd and he pulls out a Zapdos! Farfetch'd has weakness to electic and he goes first. He has exackly 3 electric energy cards and water energy too. He can kill me in one hit. I have 1 double colorless energy cards but he goes first! "I am thinking I know I am going lose." No energy cards are attached to either card yet. He puts an energy down I put an energy down and do Leech Slap, I get a heads! he puts an energy down, than I draw a double colorless and use Pot Smash. He put down a third energy and I put an energy on the bench and use pot smash which kills Zapdos! Lets put it this way" I have a fully loaded Farfetc'hd out with full life, he has no energy on any of his Pokemon and I draw a prize! Or let's put it this way Basic-Colorless-Low Retreat Cost-Resistance TO Psycic! P.S-I knew you would reach number 1# pokemon website pojo and there are so many! I always you were the best.