I have a Chancey and I challanged a guy. He said no because his deck sucks. Next day he challanges me, wierd kid I thought but oh well. I draw my hand out of 30(we are playing half-regulation decks)hmmm, Chancey, Clefairy,dadadadadaaaaaaa so now what I want to tell you.He oaked 3 time to finally get Charmelion for his Charazard.Iscrewed most of his card up untill he put out Charazard and Chancey was left along with energy and a poke center and super energy removal and super potion. I will put it this way if he wasnt such a crybaby i would have a Charazard right now.
            1.NON EVOLVING is always better(Chancey)
            2.no energy discarding(CHARAZARD ISA ENERGY GOBBELER)
            3.Chancey is less to buy and a heck of alot cuter than Mr. wannabe-dragon-energy-gobbling-fire
            4. there are more but i wont get into them cuz im gonna get hate mail.
                                    "I love pokemon there for I am a pokemon trainer"
                                        famos quote by ME
               SABRINA    the Psycolorlessic deck owner  at    raisch@fresno.k12.ca.us
                                           (by the way Brian i am a girl you dope)