The best card in my opinion is none other than NINETALES! Okay, let's go over the facts. 80 HP- May not be the highest but it is pretty damn good! Weakness-Water-wouldn't worry about that!I'll explain later. Resitance-none-oh well Retreat Cost- 1 colorless energy-YES! really helps with energies Lure-If your opponent has any benched choose 1 and and switch it with his or her active Pokemon.-Two colorless energy cards to use this attack Fire Blast- Discard 1 fire Energy card attached to Nineales in order to use this attack.- 4 fire energies in order to use this attack. Unlike Charizard he only dicards one energy card instead of 2 to use his real attack and only does 20 less damage. So he must skip a turn in order to use fire spin again. And Ninetales discards 1 energy so he does not have to skip a turn! Ninetales does 160 damage in 2 turns and Charizard only does 100! Keep in mind a lot of good Pokemon have 80 HP or less. Ninetales only discards 1 energy when he retreats which wont have to make you build up many energy cards when you play Ninetales again. Unlike a lot of other very good Pokemon cards Ninetales is stage 1 and not Stage 2 which allows you to put more in your deck. Ok, about the water Pokemon and all other Pokemon, this is the best thing about Ninetales, his Lure! First of all you only need to colorless energy or use a Double Colorless energy which makes it only 1 energy in order to use this attack! If the person you are fighting has lots of energy and is about to attack next turn look for people with a high retreat cost. Than while they are struggling to put down lots of energy to do SOMETHING, you use fire blast and kill them! It helps to use 2 fire energy with lure because than you only need 2 energy card to do 80 damage! Remember unlike Pidgeys whirlwind you choose which card your opponent pulls out! Ninetales should not be hard to get because he comes in the Brushfire theme deck. Whoever has a fire deck I really think you should get this card!