Today, I've found (at my friend's house) that Kakuna is probably overlooked. ( I know I over looked it) First off, you buy a booster or something and you might get 2 of them-A. You think "Man, his attack only does 20",B. Man I don't have a Weedle or, C. This guy looks like a corn chip with eyes, how can a little guy in a shell do anything for me? Well, so his attack does 20, but it has a 50% chance of poisoning the defending Pokémon. That would be 20 plus 10 right after your turn as it states, so winds up doing 30 damage, and 10 after each players turn etc. It can withstand a Charizard- My friend has out a Charizard(2 energies) and I have a Kakuna(2energies). I did a Poison Powder for 20, but didn't poison Charizard, then he put on an energy, I did Stiffen and got heads, so next turn he put on an energy and Fire Spin was useless. I do Poison Powder, next turn I evolve into Beedrill, and he's dead. It's high HP makes it able to withstand some brutal attacks, especially with Stiffen. It's only weakpoints are if you are playing against a Fire Deck-Kakuna weakness ti fire, and that it doesn't have a resistance. But give Kakuna a try and see what happens K. Crookshank °ż° 0 - Gotta catch em all!