Hi , I wrote this to say that the top three cards that are going to effect us
in fossil cards will be Muk,Aerodactyl,and Ditto.

                                                        DITTO ( colorless )
Ditto is going to effect us because of it's power which says it can turn into
the opponents active pokemon.The problem is that you could copy a weedle which
is'nt too good.To avoid this keep it in your hand until they get a good card
like a blastoise or a differn't pokemon.
                                                        MUK ( grass )
This is another pokemon that has a good pokemon power.He can stop all  pokemon
powers not including his.I think this will make raindance decks go a lot slower
because Blastoise can't use his pokemon power.This will also go good against
decks who are centered around alakazam.
                                                        AERODACTYL ( fighting )
This card will probaly be seen in some Haymaker decks.It's a good fighting
pokemon with resistance to fighting what makes it even better is its pokemon
power.His power says that no pokemon can evolve any more as long as this card
remaines in play.This card will probaly stop raindance decks because you can
stop them from getting Blastoise out.

Kevin Lindsay,