Ok...this is my first time and I want to make it quick.  Kakuna and Metapod
can really save your butt, and they have ok second attacks. All you need is a
lucky coin flip. Sometimes, you need that poison, or whatever it may be.
Also, you can't forget Caterpie, who can paralyze, and Weedle, who can
poison.  Another two you can't forget are Butterfree, who has Whirlwind like
Pidgeotto, and Mega Drain, and Beedrill, who has a great attack. I think the
bug evolutions are one of the best. Down with Charizard, up with Pinsir, and
Digimon is cool. Ok....this is the end...stop reading....ARGH!

Single Card Stratagies 11/2/99

by Tentomon126@aol.com

Have any questions, comments, concerns? Want to know any digimon name? Send
all hate mail and responses to Tentomon126@aol.com