I play against a great many haymakers in tournaments, and usually win. The
two cards that can make-or-break your game against haymakers are ZUBAT and
GOLBAT. With no retreat cost, you can switch back and forth easily,
resistance to fighting ensures only a minimal amount of damage is done,
while leech life heals any damage done. I play a mono-grass evolution deck,
and zubat and golbat buy time while my evolutions (Nidoking & Venusaur)
power-up on my bench. The only time I lost to a haymaker, was when both my
golbats were in my prizes. Imagine my surprise when I comp. search for
golbat and don't find any!!

If you have any other advice on beating haymakers E-mail me at
                                                Captrory@email.com if you'd
like, and I'll cut and paste them all together and submit it all at once to
The Pojo.
